
Friday, October 26, 2007

Maxed Out

Here is a follow-up video documentary for the last post.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Here are 6 20-minute documentaries on Decadence and a close look at ourselves.

Take some time to watch these, then post a comment. I am interested in what others think about these videos.

Episode 1 - Money:

Episode 2 - Sex:

Episode 3 -

Episode 4 - Education

Episode 5 - Family

Episode 6 - God

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Technology for the Masses

Okay, so I need a place to rant and what better place than in the Blog World. In the process maybe I will hit a nerve or two or just maybe help the lights come on for others.

I have been a computer tech for the last 10 years. I have mostly worked on computers for home users and small businesses, and have been through 4 generations of Microsoft Windows Operating System, including the whole Y2K thing. With each and every new release of Windows I get a flurry of job requests for upgrades. The problem is they are for upgrades two or more generations back to the last release and not the new current release (Win 98 1st ed. to XP Home, after Vista release). The people I deal with are on very limited budgets and cannot afford to replace/upgrade computer equipment and software at the same time, the cost which sometimes runs as high as $500 for everything, parts, software, and my fee.

So then they are left with the decision of whether to upgrade or buy a new cheap system from Wal-Mart, which neither one they can afford, and the later I do not recommend. Here's the rub, they all insist on Windows because that is what they know and everything they are exposed to promotes the use of Microsoft products. Even though I could solve their problems once and for all with a free copy of any Linux distribution and a $50 installation service fee.

My view of the computer/internet/software/operating system issue is this: home computers are mainly access points to the internet, otherwise they devolve into glorified typewriters/calculators/game machines. If you need to play games get a PS2 or X-Box, you really don't need a $3,000 game machine when you can get one for $4oo. It has been my experience that very few people actually use the full power of their CPU's and Memory, at least the ones I deal with. The biggest consumer of your computer's computing power is the operating system, second would be highly graphical games or programs (like CADs). So I have come to the conclusion that 100% of my "home" customers could be using a 800 MHz processor and 500 MB of memory (current industry standard is 2.0 to 2.6 GHz Dual Core with 1 to 2 GB of memory). Because very few of them do much more than run an accounting program, type documents, send email, and surf the net, why in the world do they need all that computing power? The answer is simple, to run the new Windows' operating system.

I view the internet as a dynamic interactive library, that includes mail order catalogs, games, global communication of messages and ideas, along with information, education and news. In my opinion the internet is by it's very nature the ultimate in the expression of free speech ( It can also be used as the ultimate library ( However, one only needs a broadband internet connection to experience these things to their fullest, not a high powered computer.

I personally don't have anything against Bill Gates, but by all the gods, how much money does one man need? Sure he does the Africa AIDs thing, which isn't a bad concept, but I am getting off point. The sick part of Bill Gate's wealth is that you and I have handed it to him unquestioned, and continue to do so with out thinking, even though we have other choices.

Many of my readers boycott Wal-Mart for the same reasons we should be boycotting Microsoft but we don't and I am just as guilty as the next PC user. May of us will go out of our way to buy our goods from any other source, preferably locally owned, instead of Wal-Mart. But do we take the time to learn how to use another operating system other than Windows, probably not. I have heard all the excuses why this won't work, and have used many myself. But just like the excuses of going to Wal-Mart because it is convenient, cheaper, they have what we need, just doesn't wash with Microsoft or Wal-Mart. We know better and are just to lazy to take the steps to change the situation.

Enter the Apple users, if you are a Apple user, good! That is at least one baby step away from the Microsoft Oligarchy. However you are still caught in the capitalist/corporate controlled computer tech world and that is what I would like to see changed the most. Apple users have one additional corporate layer to contend with that Microsoft users don't, their hardware is also manufactured in large part by Apple, and Microsoft doesn't BUILD computers, but for Apple users both their software and hardware come form the same company.

Information should be free, access to information should be free, tools to access information should be free and hardware should be affordable to the point that ANY one can obtain it, or Non-Profits and NGO's can offer access to this information to the very poorest.

Whenever I hear of the Apple or Microsoft Corporations giving away free computers to schools or children's charities, I just cringe. This may seem on the surface as an altruistic act, but is just a way for these companies to create more future consumers of their products, and to continue the corporation's strangle hold on our access to information.

I saw a show on TV once about these computer techs that wanted to see how much background one needs to use modern computers. They set up a internet connected computer kiosk in the slums of Calcutta, mounted a hidden camera and walked away. They found that with in 30 minutes, children as young as 8 were doing web searches and signing up for online e-mail accounts. Within a week these same young children had passed on what they knew to many of their parents and the parents were doing the same for even older members of the community.

What amazed me about this was how total unintimidated these children and adults were in using the computer kiosk. When the researchers did interviews later they found that many didn't know anything about computers prior to the installation of the kiosk or even knew what a computer was. Which is the very hurtle I run into on every computer job, how intimidated we are of technology even though we live in a technologically advanced society. New technology scares the hell out of us and we are intimidated by what we all ready have.

A few years ago, maybe about 8 year ago, I tried to address this issue. I found I was doing a lot of jobs for senior citizens, and much of it was really basic stuff, like setting up new computer their children had sent them and installing new applications software. So I got together with the senior center and the community center and offered a two day class in basic computer and internet usage. One of the most uttered comments I heard during those two days is: "I am not smart like you" or "I am too dumb to figure out this computer." This really got on my nerves, I started responding "You are not dumb, you were smart enough to seek my help, and together we can do anything."

Let me introduce you to Linus Torvalds, if you know who this man is you are my brother/sister in arms against Microsoft. Linus is a "together we can do anything" kind of guy and the creator of Linux and director of the Linux community.

If you don't know what Linux is let me offer this brief explanation: Linux is the little brother operating system to Unix (the software that powers the internet). Linux is a simplified version of Unix and does a really good job at powering everything from PDA's, cell phones, desktop and laptop PC's to business and internet servers. The biggest difference between Linux and Windows is that; Linus in his infinite wisdom, released Linux under a Open Source License, which mean that the base source code that runs Linux cannot be sold by anyone.

The most unique aspect of Linux is it is community driven. Programmers that want to work on Linux can help with projects that are already under development or start new ones and users can make requests for things they would like to have available. Linux doesn't come in just one flavor either there are literally dozens of different Linux distributions, you may have heard about Red Hat or SUSE by Novell, those are Linux "distros" that have been packaged by companies that have their own added functions and applications that are sold. But these very same companies have Open Source version of their software available on the internet for free. But just because you have heard of them doesn't mean these are the best to use. In the Linux world distros are use specific, which means that some are better for servers and others are better for desktops. Red Hat and SUSE are more for business than personal home use, and that is why you may have heard of them. Advertising make sense if you have some thing to sell, but when it is free what incentive is there to spend money to advertise?

What could be more democratic, anti-capitalist, anti-corporate or anarchist then people working together often for free to offer the world free access to information and technology. The Open Source and Linux communities are a very good example of how people can produce goods and services and self-govern at the same time. I will grant that money/currency is exchanged on some levels to fuel this community, but it is microscopic compared to Microsoft and Apple. If Linux should ever become the prevailing operating system for technology, the money exchange would still be less than today, due to the fact that the very source code is un-ownable.

Met Tux, Tux is the name of the Linux penguin logo. I think he is much more pleasant to look at than that stupid Windows logo or the MSN butterfly. Not only is he/she the logo but also a mascot for a whole community of Linux programmers and users. I have even seen whole websites dedicated to the "adventures of Tux".

But back to the original point of this rant, because of our conditioning through advertising and our fear of new technology we need to make a concerted effort to change the way we think about how we access information and technology. All it takes is making a conscious choice on what we choose to support. Microsoft's new Vista release gives us an opportunity to give a vote of no confidence to the current way things are done in regards to our access to information. The reasons not to upgrade to Vista far out weigh the reasons not to migrate to Linux. Just google "Windows Vista Linux" and you will find hundreds if not thousands of tech articles on the short comings of Microsoft's newest product, which also include privacy and security issues.

So you are scared, apprehensive, or just confused, that's okay, you don't have to take the Open Source/Linux plunge all at once, you can take your time and get use to the idea. Take baby-steps, we all did when we got our first computers. We can do it again, only this time you already know how to navigate the internet and send email, so the Open Source and Linux communities are accessible to you. If you have a broadband internet connection even better, faster downloading of free software. CD or DVD burner, you are in business, most Linux distros offer LiveCDs or LiveDVDs that can be run on your system without having to install or get rid of you current Windows installation.

The final step before becoming a fully-certified Linux user is dual-boot, where you have both Windows and Linux loaded on one computer and you choose which one you want to use when you start the computer. Although this may seem like a way to learn Linux and still have access to your Windows comfort zone, it is often more complicated then just going to Linux for good. I have tried this and found that it is much simpler to get rid of Windows all together, then to be a dual-booter.

Let me just suggest some Open Source programs to start with that all run under Windows:

Firefox; Firefox is an internet browser and is a much better program than Microsoft Internet Explorer, although you cannot completely delete IE off your Windows based computer (it is used to search for file on the computer) you don't have to use it on the internet. Get Firefox here.

Thunderbird; Thunderbird is the email program that replaces Microsoft's Outlook Express, again a superior program to Microsoft's and FREE. Get Thunderbird here.; How many of your are sick and tired of having to pay $200 plus for Microsoft's Office upgrades, or want a powerful office suite and can't afford the $300 for Word and Excel. Boy oh, Boy, are you going to love this, offers just that and more for FREE. I have used this program for over two years and don't miss MS Office at all. What makes this even better is that it can save and open just about any document from any other office suite, including MS Office. Get openOffice here.

Gimp; Need a graphics editor and don't have tons of cash to buy Photoshop, Gimp is a good FREE alternative. I do a lot of photo editing and create custom content for The Sims 2 using just Gimp, and eventhough I have Photoshop CS2, I seldom use it. Get Gimp for Windows here.

Gmail; Although not Open Source, if you are using Hotmail or MSN mail dump it. Gmail is only available by invitation, however if you have a account you may be able to get or already have a Gmail account. Good for you, now use it. Google in the past has gone to great lengths to keep the internet accessible (China) and email privacy secure (US). More recently Google has given in on some issues that I am not too pleased with, but by in large they continue to stick to the principals of free access to information I mentioned earlier.; This is one of the better know Open Source web communities, they offer literally thousands of Open Source programs and many run on Windows based systems. So before you go to the office supply store, Best Buy or Amazon to by applications software, test drive a few Open Source alternative first from SourceForge. Go to; For news, information, sources and tutorials on becoming a Linux desktop user, this is a wonderful website. Go to

If you do choose to use any of these program and you like them. I encourage you to donate a few dollars to show your appreciation for the hard work that went into the programming.

The point is that we don't have to be held hostage by Microsoft's business plan or buy into the technology is expensive mind set. As a computer tech I could take all the "old" systems that will become obsolete under the new Windows Vista (which by some estimates could be over 50% of all the systems in use today) and resurrect them using Linux and make them usable for a very long time at minimal cost.

We do have a choice and we have the power to bring the Microsoft Empire to it's knees, we just need to start today with the person in the mirror, then spread the word, communicate and educate.

Addition 3/21/08: I just found this two nights ago: Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computers, put up a customer suggestion forum, with in the first month he had over 70,000 people made requests for Dell Desktop computers that come preloaded with Linux and that Dell should provide technical support for these Linux computers. The demand is out there we just need more sources for computers with Linux and support for those computers.

Monday, March 05, 2007

No Surprise: Barack Obama is Not the Right Choice

Barak Obama is continuing to show the kind of political pandering that many politicians have come to expect of themselves. Barak is perpetuating an unfortunate reality that in order to get elected in this society of the spectacle politicians will continue to forfeit their moral and ethical principles to special interest groups and their money. Without campaign finance laws that would bar politicians for running a campaign with private funds and make all politicians compete with the exact same amount of money, it is probable that clever politicos like Obama and Clinton will get elected for their charm, smiles, pandering and demographic novelty. This reality, however, is nothing new. Throughout American electoral history there has been a gap between public opinion and the public policy adopted by our politicians.

Obama is not “anti-war” but instead “anti-Bush-wars.” We must learn more about the "true" nature of Obama's "audacity." Obama has been pandering to the wealthy American Jew Society for their support and as a result reiterating widely discredited propaganda about this past year’s intense violence between Hizbollah and Israel. Obama is calling for increasing Israeli military funding, missile defense, etc. All the while, he has done nothing to denounce Israelis violence and crimes against the Palestinians.

Elsewhere, Obama is against a National Health Care Plan, including a single-payer system like that in Canada. His reason for such a position is that it would hurt the employees of the private insurance industry. Obama’s pandering to the massively wealthy private insurance companies easily explains this illogical position.

Obama should also be called out for all variety of other inconsistencies in his rhetoric and misrepresentation to the American public. For that matter, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton need to check their zeal for having an African American elected at all costs, considering their roles championing social justice causes for the past several decades.

It is unfortunate that the enthusiasm many Americans have felt towards Obama for seeming to have brought candor and forthrightness to the political discussion (i.e. admitting to having smoked and inhaled pot, admitting to a smoking addiction, etc.) is underscored by the huge missteps he has made in actually trying to represent American public opinion.

Most importantly, from the perspective of a revolutionary seeking deep, genuine social change, a vote for Obama, Clinton, et. al. will likely prove to be a gigantic step towards the breeding of more political and economic complacency. Lest we forget, Bill Clinton did more to advance rabid corporate globalization than any other president. Clinton was an ardent free-trader and proponent of the “Washington Consensus.” On the domestic front, Clinton was only supportive of an organized labor force in word, as he was extremely friendly to Big Business. Sadly, four more years of President Bush may be a much more radicalizing force than the lulling effect Obama, Clinton, et. al. will likely have on the American public.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Idaho Blue: When Hell Freezes Over

Idaho Blue: When Hell Freezes Over

I attended the Al Gore presentation last night in Boise, ID. The Taco Bell Arena at BSU was packed, and very few of the 10,000 seats were vacant.

I am glad that I was able to attend, and glad that so many of my fellow Idahoians also attended. Although the presentation was basiclly what we all saw in An Inconvientant Truth. Mr. Gore did add some very specific information concerning Idaho, and some of the impacts we will experience in this state.

Monday, January 22, 2007

America's Forty Year War

Last week the Free-Market News Network ran a following headline: "Cheney Says War May Last Forty Years." In their own estimations we are in a multi-generational war. Of course this is what the Neo-Con's set out to do in the first place, planning began back in the late 80's early 90's. For those that don't know what I am talking about, go to Project For A New American Century, and read their manifesto.
The insidious part is, not only will the US Army continue to recruit our sons, but also our grandson, and future great-grandson's. Forty years ago today we were fighting in Vietnam, Johnson was in the White House and student demonstrations were beginning to become common and I was four years old. Think about it, in America today, things that happened just ten years ago are considered ancient history and have no bearing on our lives. Can the American people even contemplate what changes our society will have to undergo to sustain a war for forty years? Consider the changes we went through in the last six, or the twelve years of Vietnam.
The prospect of decades of war makes me question some basic assumptions that are drilled into us on a daily basis since this war began. What if the paradigm was different, let me start with a simple one; Strong (big) military makes the country strong. What if we turn that assumption on it's head and we believe that strong/big military is the sign of a weak country. Maybe that is in truth the case that a country such as ours that has no nation that can match us militarily, and uses our military to extract revenge, revenue and resources from other smaller nations, is in fact a weak nation.
What is it that makes a country strong, being able to force our will on any group of people we choose or is it the quality of life the citizens of this nation could enjoy? I believe that the former makes our nation come off as a bully; So which is it?
At what point does war and our military become too costly, currently 49% of our budget goes towards wars, both past and present, and that does not include off budget items allocated for the Iraq and Afghan Wars, which for 2006 were nearly 120 billion dollars, with almost no money allocated for reconstruction costs. In 2004 the US spent about $499 billion on the military and wars, the ENTIRE rest of the world spent $500 billion. More up to date numbers may show that the US is currently spending more than the combined total for the rest of the planet.
What about the human costs, over 3,000 American soldiers have died and more than 150,000 Iraqis. But does anyone collect the numbers of American citizens that have died here at home because there were cuts to human services, medical care for the poor and elderly, absence of funds for heating assistance. I heard on CNN that 58 people died because of the ice storms last week. How many of them where casualties of the military spending sucking the emergency assistance coffers dry? What about the victims of Katrina, how many more could have been saved, and how many more could have returned to their homes by now if it wasn't for this country being bankrupted from wars past and present.
How many of us are prepared for forty more years of the same? At some point we will all crumble under the immense weight of military spending, the cracks are already apparent. How we as a community survives such a collapse is in our hands now. Will we be like the ancient Britons and continue looking towards Rome to save us from our problems, or will we rise to the occasion and take back our lives and country from the overwhelming military burden.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Don't Dew it!

Sitting here taking a little break from bookkeeping for my business, you know that end of year drudgery. I was just think back on the past year and thought I would share a personal story. I usually write opinion posts but this one is a little more personal.

A year ago I was sitting in this same chair when I suddenly became dizzy and fell to the floor. It was late a night and no one else was awake so I laid there until the dizziness went away then carefully got myself up and went to bed. I felt much better the next morning and went back to what I was doing the night before. By mid-afternoon I was light-head again, went and got a glass of water and laid down for awhile. I started to feeling better, so I had some more water and went back to work. An hour later I was dizzy again, then I realized I was on my third Mountain Dew Big Slam of the day. I started to wonder if that could have something to do with my dizziness.

Since 1996 when I bought my first computer, I have had either a Mountain Dew or Pepsi bottle sitting right beside it. Getting all ramped-up on sugar and caffeine seemed to help me stay focused on what I was doing on the computer. In 2000 I started to have burning and tingling in my feet, so I went to the doctor. I was told that I have neuropathy caused by the large amount of sugar I was consuming from 3 to 4 big slams a day. I was also informed that if I didn't stop drinking the soda I would eventually get diabetes. So I limited my soda to some extent but by 2006 I was back to 3 to 4 big slams a day.

On the second day after I passed out I tried a little experiment, no sugar for 24 hours, just water and ice tea with no sugar. I was amazed at how good I felt, other than my cravings for that citrus tang of Mountain Dew. I started putting some lemon juice in my tea and that did the trick no more cravings.

I went to the doctor to make sure I was alright and didn't have diabetes, and had a complete physical. I told him about the passing out and was informed that it was probably hypoglycemic shock. If it ever happens again to call the ambulance. My tests all came back good, I didn't have diabetes, or any other ailments. So I resolved to start taking better care of myself.

One thing I realized when I stopped drinking soda was that I was hungry. I was consuming 1700 calories per day in soda alone, with the high caffeine and sugar, I just didn't feel hungry. So I started to make myself eat real food. Since my family has started shrinking, I just don't feel like cooking anymore. So I decided to try another experiment, a diet if you want to call it that.

For breakfast I would drink one Odwalla juice, like Superfood, or Mo' Beta. For lunch I would have a Lean Cuisine Spa Meal or one of the smaller Lean Cuisine frozen dinners. For Dinner I would have one of the large Lean Cuisine Meals, that have a dessert. My number one rule for the first 4 months was, NO high fructose corn syrup in anything I consumed. When summer rolled around I did allow myself 2 pints of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia per week. I did this from January on until September. By September I had lost 35 pounds, going from 205 to 170. Now that may sound like I am still fat, but unlike most women I am almost 6 feet tall. So 170 is still a little on the heavy side for me, 150 being ideal. I am definitely in a much better shape than I was a year ago.

In September, I had to travel out of state for the funeral of my uncle, that is when I had my first relapse, and started drinking Mountain Dew. By Thanksgiving I was back on track, then another family emergency and I had to travel out of state again. Again I had another relapse, then the whole christmas holiday season with family coming in from out of state, and this time they brought the Mountain Dew into my house. It has been two weeks since they left and I am still drinking the Dew. Sometimes it just seems easier to drink it than to fight it.

First thing tomorrow I will go back to my diet and hopefully kick the habit one more time. I have to kick it because I don't want to get diabetes. One thing I fear the most is becoming a human pincushion, with all those sugar tests and insulin shots. No thank you!

Just a word to anybody out there reading this, especially young people, don't Dew it! Don't get hooked on the sugar from soda. It can kill you just like tabacco, alcohol or drugs. So I challenge you, try it for a week, no soda, no high fructose corn syrup. It is a tricky game, because when you start reading the labels you will be amazed and how much sugar is hidden in the food we buy.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

When Hell Freezes Over

There was a time not to long ago, if you said that Al Gore could sell out a 10,000 seat auditorium in Boise, Idaho, most environmentalist would respond with: "When Hell Freezes Over! I guess hell doesn't need to freeze over, just need the polar ice caps to melt.

The bearer of An Inconvenient Truth is coming to Idaho, and guess what? We want him! That's right Idaho; perceived bastion of environmental indifference sold out 10,000 tickets to Al Gore's scheduled speaking engagement, Monday January 22nd.

As reported at 10,000 tickets were sold in under 8 hours, that is after the originally planned 1,200 seats sold out in 10 minutes. The New West reported that there were long lines. That was not my experience when I purchased my tickets at the BSU Student Union Building. I arrived about 12:30 pm, took my son to the bookstore to purchase his books for next semester then ambled down to the ticket desk. We did have to stand in line while the two people ahead of us purchased their tickets for the Chieftain's Concert that was held last night. But that only took about 10 minutes.

Since my son is a student at BSU he used his student ID to get free tickets for me and himself, I also purchased 4 extra tickets for a friend's family. So maybe this whole Global Climate Change thing is catching on-- even in Idaho.

Another event took place last week that I never imagined would ever happen that didn't also include ice and hell was that Idaho's former Govenor Dirk Kempthorn, and currently the Secertary of the Interior, suggested last week that polar bears should be added to the threatened species list.

Now our neighbors, Montana is debating a bill in the state legislature concerning carbon sequestering, and other ways to reduce CO2 emissions? Can this be true?

Of course there are still plenty of people that still don't get it. A friend and fellow environmentalist from Montana told me this story about a conversation she had with a person she knew.

Environmental Newbie: "Did you know that there could be another ice age in Europe?'
My Friend: "Are you talking about the North Atlantic conveyor shutting down?"
Environmental Newbie: "Yeah, did you know that it will cause a ice age in Europe?"
My Friend: "Yeah, I do."
Environmental Newbie: "You know what that means don't you?"
My Friend: "No.?"
Environmental Newbie: "Everyone over there will have to move. You know where they will want to go don't you?"
My Friend: "Africa?"
Environmental Newbie: "No, they will want to come here."
My Friend: "Why will they want to come here?"
Environmental Newbie: "Because, they will be having a ice age IN Europe!"
My Friend: "If there is a ice age in Europe, won't there be one here too?
Environmental Newbie: "No."

I guess the concept of GLOBAL climate change is still lost on some. Al Gore need to sell out about 300 million more seats to his lecture then maybe everyone will get it!

Law & Disorder


The Pentagon has drafted a manual for upcoming detainee trials that would allow suspected terrorists to be imprisoned or put to death using hearsay evidence and coerced testimony.

According to a copy of the manual obtained by The Associated Press, a terror suspect's defense lawyer cannot reveal classified evidence in the person's defense until the government has a chance to review it.

Complete Article Here

This article from makes me think about why our country is in serious trouble. I am no legal genius but I do understand history well enough to understand why the framer's of the constitution included the Bill of Rights for those accused of crimes.

I am a avid consumer of the Law & Order series on television, I know that this is fiction, but it does show to some extent the workings of the US justice system. Or rather how it is suppose to work. On the show they portray the constant tension in the system between the desire for retribution and vengeance by victims, public opinion, and law enforcement and the rule of law. The public's perception that our justice system is broken, is a combination of media exploitation of our fears and an overwhelmed system.

The issue of how the rule of law is applied to "suspected terrorist" is one that I feel a need to comment on.

"[A] bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse."
--- Thomas Jefferson December 20, 1787

I would challenge that the greatness of a country is measured on how the rule of law is applied to anyone accused of a crime. On 9/11 when we learned that the FBI and other law enforcement organizations were conducting round-ups of Arabs whether citizens or not, made my blood boil. Now we sit here almost six years later, with all we are allowed to know about Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, and other horrors out of Afghanistan, and now this. How can anyone contend we are even a civilized country, when we participate in, condone or simply ignore the actives our government is engaged in under our name?

Once a bell is rung, it can't be unrung. The same holds true with precedence in the law. Everyone of us should be furious at the this administration for the way inwhich enemy combatants, terror suspects, or whatever the latest buzzword is for US political prisoner. The point being that the people being tried before a military court today, maybe Iraqis, but sometime in the not to very distant future could very well be Americans.

Pictures like this one make me sick, it reminds me of a slave ship in the middle passage, and it makes me want nothing more then to burn that tainted flag hanging over these people's heads. If our current administration continues to insist that these people cannot be tried in a civil court and afforded all the legal right afforded in the Bill of Rights, then they are in fact saying, our country is finished, over, lights out! It is then in fact they are saying it is time for a new American Revolution!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Year of the Fire Pig

So another year begins, while searching for a topic to comment on for this month's post I found that according to the Chinese calender on February 18th the year of the Fire Pig begins. This is not a very pleasant zodiac according to

This is a sign that represents the clash between the water and fire signs. This implies that when situations are volatile they can easily spiral out of control, especially when it involves water. In Celtic mythology the sow symbolizes the earth, the great mother of all, mother earth. Hence, we are in a year that combine mother earth, water, fire and volatility.

With the current weather situation across much of the country it would seem that the year of the fire pig has started early, with massive ice storms all across the country.

Could this be the year that we American's get the message of global climate change. I often ponder what natural disaster it will take to make it undeniable to every American. Not that I look forward to such events. I would rather that no one would have to indure such a trial. But I am not so naive to think that it will take anyless to make us change our ways.

One of the other features of the Chinese pig zodiac is that the pig himself loves freedom and beauty and is the eternal optimist.

It is in this vein that I wish to start the new year, optimistic, love beauty and to fight for freedom.